EDITORIAL (by C Medefindt)
EDITORIAL (by C Medefindt)
2020 is finally past but unfortunately the Covid-19 Pandemic is still with us. As blind or partially sighted people who need to hold onto people, railings, door handles for orientation and guidance the ability to stay protected is even more difficult. We need to take extra precautions with hand sanitising and social distancing wherever possible. We also need to ensure that we maintain contact with friends and family to avoid isolation and depression.
During lockdown our social workers and trained counsellors were unable to do home or hospital visits. They called members to offer advice and support. This service continues. What was most disturbing was how many wrong telephone numbers were recorded on our system. Have you updated your contact details? This was also evident during our Stargardt clinical trials recruitment. How sad when we have important information and are unable to contact so many of our members. Please mail us your correct details at headoffice@retinasa.org.za.

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