Retinal Realities Podcast – Episode 14 – World Diabetes Day – with Gavin van Wyk

Article category: Podcasts .
November 24, 2023
Living the Sweet Life - with Gavin van Wyk

Today is World Diabetes Day and on the Retinal Realities Podcast, we have a special guest: Gavin van Wyk. Gavin is a SA Diabetes Advocate and a Retina SA Patient Advocate who has been living with Type 1 Diabetes for 35 years. He has experienced many challenges due to his diabetes, such as losing a lower limb and having low vision from Diabetic Retinopathy.

Join Karen and Claudette as they talk to Gavin about his inspiring story of coping with Diabetes and Vision Loss on this podcast. To find out more about Diabetic Retinopathy, you can read this article: 
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